Teach us to number our days
Thoughts on Psalm 90
Moses is a witness to God’s wrath against the stubbornness
of Israel.
When they left Egypt, Israel had more than 600,000 adult men
fit for war. We can estimate that there are also about 600,000 adult females in
the wilderness. It could be assumed that there about 1.2 million adult
Israelites that traversed the wilderness. When Israel entered the Promised
Land, of the original adult Israelites only Joshua and Caleb remained alive. So
that means Moses saw about 1.2 million adults were buried in the wilderness in
40 years.
With simple math, we can estimate that about 30,000 adults
die every year or 82 perish every day. So Moses wrote with sadness, “All our
days pass away under your wrath; we finish our years with a moan. Our days may
come to seventy years, or eighty, if our strength endures; yet the best of them
are but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, and we fly away.” The deaths
of the people of God and the wrath of God set the sad lyrics of the psalm.
So Moses pleaded God, “Teach us to number our days that we
may gain a heart of wisdom.” This showed Moses’ humility. Lord, open our eyes
so that we may learn that our life on earth is not permanent. Life is short and
fleeting and yet we choose to spend it in unprofitable ways. Instead of
spending our days to obey and to please God, we waste our time contending
against God as what the Israelites did against God and against Moses the
servant of God.
Moses was actually praying that Israel would consider the
shortness of their days and learn from all their troubles and sorrows in the
- That they may obey the leading of the Lord who guides them by pillar of cloud by day and by pillar of fire at night;
- That they may be thankful also for the goodness and generosity of God who feeds them daily with manna;
- That they may see the daily miracles of God who made sure that their sandals and clothes last for 40 years!
- That their eyes may be opened to the goodness and character of God and so move them to fear the Lord and follow Him. This is the beginning of wisdom.
Life is short. How much time do we spend on Facebook? Shopping?
Watching television? Gym exercises? Doing school work? Attending Bible study or
growth group? Praying? Sharing God’s Word? Building up the family?
We can pray the pleading of Moses and ask God to “Teach us
to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”
Let’s use our time for something that matters: “To fear God
and to keep His commandments for that is the whole duty of man.”
Labels: Bible, Days, Life, Moses, Number, Psalm 90, Time, Use, Wisdom